Quick answers to frequent queries


Domestic Helper Agency Still have questions? Reach out to us for help.

Indonesian Migrant Domestic Worker

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What services does Nur EA Pte Ltd provide?

We specialize in providing Indonesian Migrant Domestic Worker (MDW) for various household needs, including child care, elderly care, and housekeeping.

How do I start the process of hiring a MDW?

Are the MDWs trained before placement?

Do you provide ongoing support after placement?

What languages do your MDW speak?

Are there any hidden fees when hiring a MDW?

Who can hire a MDW?

How can I prove my financial ability to hire a FDW?

Can I hire an FDW to care for children, elderly, or disabled family members?

What medical requirements must I meet as an employer?

Do I need to attend any training before hiring a MDW?

What are my responsibilities towards my MDW?